blog Organizing Knowledge and Time and More

alfred worklog hugo time-management link-management

Recently I’ve been thinking about the site Everything I know and the alfred-my-mind extension to make it easy to search. Some of the ideas there are similar to the ideas I have for my worklog project. There are probably things I can update with my own Alfred workflow to make it smarter about searching through pages.

Regarding time, I’m still developing my own time tracker, though I stumbled on toggl and timery which look like they have some ideas I could borrow, like project buckets and color coding.

I stumbled upon raindrop which looks like it may be a reasonable replacement for pinboard due to having better maintained mobile apps. Curious to see what their upcoming api will support.

While I have been using moneydance to record my expenses, I’m curious to try out lunchmoney due to it’s better support for mixed currency.