Ttitle | Status | Tags | Description |
alfred-worklog | prototype | alfred time-management worklog swift hugo | Since it can be difficult to keep track of what I worked on that day, I’ve been experimenting with some scripts to make it easier to journal my days’ activities. For now, most of it is bundled as an alfred workflow and is uploaded to github alfred-worklog |
django-budget | alpha | django pim | A simple django app to track your home budget |
django-mqtt | alpha | django mqtt | Integrate MQTT with a Django application |
django-owntracks | django mqtt | Integrate Owntracks with a Django application | |
django-zakka | alpha | django | A collection of assorted mini apps and helpers to be reused in various Django projects |
Promgen | beta | django prometheus | Promgen is a configuration generator for Prometheus which I develop as part of my job at LINE Fukuoka |
PromQL Guard | golang prometheus | ||
purplebot | python | IRC Bot written from scratch in Python as a project to experiment with | |
Quickstats for iOS | prototype | swift ios quantified-self | |
salt-deployhook | beta | saltstack webhook | Trigger salt deployments from Github webhooks |
salt-mqtt | prototype | saltstack mqtt | Bridge Salt and MQTT |
Timebox Server | alpha | time-management django | Various time management tools inspired by Pomodoro timers |
vscode-workflow | prototype | worklog vscode |
A VSCode extension for managing a worklog in hugo . Inspired by Hugo Helper but with other functions that fit my workflow better. |