
Featured Projects

Ttitle Status Description
project django-budget alpha A simple django app to track your home budget ( Github )


blog CSV with Frontmatter to manage events and tasks

I tend to use my calendar and reminders to track a lot of what I want to do, but sometimes I want to manage the data externally and sync. For certain kinds of repeating tasks, I wanted to edit a list of tasks in a group, and it seemed like csv might work. While csv does not have a strong specification, many programming tools make it easy to work with. The initial format I thought about was something simple.

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blog Personal API Overview

I have long been inspired by Aaron Pareki and his pk3 tool for his website. With some searching, one can find other kinds of personal management systems on GitHub or other developers writing about their own personal api with links to other examples. As a developer myself, I have my own personal API that I am able to add to as wanted.

In the interest of choosing boring technology my personal api is powered primarily by django and celery .

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