blog Salt Changes

I was surprised when reading the changelog for Salt 3007.0 , regarding several deprecated modules to be removed in 3009.0. I also later read some of the policy changes on their blog. Going forward, they are planning on having a much smaller core module, and will be moving a lot of larger modules to external repositories. I started using Salt while I was at Kotagent, and quite liked the way it worked.

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blog Nine Years in Japan

Nine Years I have now been in Japan for 9 years. Japan is far from a perfect company and there are plenty of bits that cause irritation at times, but overall I feel like my normal day to day is pretty good. This past year definitely had some ups and downs and I have quite a lot to consider moving into 2024. Winter Break I had a number of paid holidays accumulated that were due to expire if I did not use them, so this year I have an extra long winter holiday.

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blog Starting Rust

Rust has been on my list of things to learn for quite a while, and recently I have started to actually start learning it. I started with the Rust Book online, working through a chapter at a time, mostly during my weekly MokuMokuKai . After finishing the first I/O project I also went through the rust cli book to further check some of my understanding before moving on. Right now I’m taking a short break from the book to experiment with a few small CLI applications in Rust to check my understanding.

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blog Salt Renderers

I would not be the first engineer to joke that those working in devops have become yaml engineers. In small amounts, yaml is not terrible, and provides a human readable way to handle simple configuration. At some point we jumped the shark and now it’s yaml all the way down . (I have seen a few projects use something like jsonnet for configuration which quickly goes from turtles all the way down to Cthulhu)

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blog Grayscale

Like many, when bored I tend to pick up my phone and start fiddling with it or I pull up things on my ipad. Both devices are useful at times, but I should also reduce the amount of passive time on them. A while back, I recall reading about someone who enabled grayscale mode on their phones to help make things more boring. I decided to do my own similar experiment.

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blog Pillar Tool

Building a tool to make it easier to manage pillar values.

blog Long Term Todos

I often have all kinds of ideas flying around my head but have no idea when I might even try to prioritize it. Sometimes I want to keep track of some high level todos somewhere and a page here is probably sufficient. Listing here makes no claims about when I will actually prioritize it. Build my own CalDav server to manage todos. I have some strong opinions on how a todo app should work for me, and I naively think I still want something built on open protocols like caldav.

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blog NFC With Home Assistant and MQTT

I have been experimenting with various habit tracking and home automation prototypes for quite a while. While I like the idea of having smart buttons around my house, they are a bit expensive for what I want to do with them, and I have not yet had luck getting an IKEA Tradfri button working. A few weeks ago, I recalled the NFC tag support in Home Assistant and wondered if I could use that.

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