blog Desktop Environment Wishlist

linux macos

A friend writing about desktop environments reminded me of a few things as I consider a future switch to a Linux desktop.

Quick Launcher

Like Ruben, I have gotten very used to this from Alfred and it’s one of the large things I want to find a replacement for. I have been curious about PopOS and their launcher framework and there are a few projects like Onagre that seem to be built to use the same launcher scripts. It is one of the first things I will probably try out when I get a Linux desktop environment to try out.

Shared Clipboard

This one is unlikely to have a good answer, but one of the most magic things in an Apple environment, is the shared Clipboard. On a regular basis, I will copy a link or text from one device to another. Even though I use Windows only for gaming, there have been several times where I have felt the absence of this shared clipboard. I have not researched it, but maybe somewhere out there, someone has reverse engineered a replacement (though I suppose to interact with Apple, it would have to auth through Apple’s servers somewhere which is a nonstarter for many things).