blog Packaging a Django Application


Our goal when packaging up a Django application, is that we can use it as part of an existing application, or we can run it by itself in a standalone mode. To this end, I have over time, started to package my django applications in the following way. You can see diffs of all the commits in the example-django repository.

Start with a Makefile and setup files

Instead of using tools like Poetry and Pipenv , I find it easier to just create a basic Makefile to use as the entrypoint.

APP_BIN := .venv/bin/example-django
PIP_BIN := .venv/bin/pip

.DEFAULT: test

.PHONY: test
test: ${APP_BIN}
	${APP_BIN} test -v 2

	python3 -m venv .venv

	${PIP_BIN} install -r docker/requirements.txt
	${PIP_BIN} install -e .[dev,standalone]

We then create a stub for for our install trigger

from setuptools import setup

And then some basic values for our setup.cfg

name = example-django
version = 0.0.1

packages = find:
install_requires =

console_scripts =
    example-django = example.standalone.manage:main

And we will populate docker/requirements.txt with a stub. In a full application, we would also use this for some of our Docker specific requirements.

-e .

with this setup, we can run make to create our initial environment. It will throw an error because it can not find some files, but it will create our default virtual environment.

Creating and configuring our Project

For my Django projects, I like to have a basic Django application, but also ship a standalone configuration that can be used for test cases. To start will will create a new app example and a new project standalone to populate those files.

.venv/bin/django-admin startapp example
.venv/bin/django-admin startproject standalone
git add example
git add standalone
git commit -m "Initial django-admin setup"

Next we want to move our standalone app into the correct place.

git mv standalone/* example
git mv example/ example/standalone

We want to edit example/standalone/ with our default environment settings

import os

os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "example.standalone.settings")

and then we can remove the os.environ line from our,, and We need to update to update our URL config

ROOT_URLCONF = 'example.standalone.urls'

You can see diffs of all the commits in the example-django repository.