blog Slow Migration off GitHub Notifications

github rss big-tech

Previously, I would subscribe to many projects on GitHub to watch for releases. Over time, it gets difficult to check all your subscriptions as GitHub does not seem to have an easy way to request this list from the API. It can also increase some noise in your inbox from time to time. Recently as part of my slow migration off of GitHub, I have been switching to following the release feed in RSS.

I have been using NetNewsWire to read some across my devices so that is what I am slowly migrating to. Even though NetNewsWire can manage feeds directly, I am evaluating Feedbin as the store for feeds. Previously I had been using Feedly for this, but I am also planning a slow migration off of it. I did a brief preview of NewsBlur earlier, but there were various quirks with their API and I decided it might not be worth my time. FreshRSS is another one I’m considering, but I am unsure if I want to self host it or if I eventually want to write my own.

For now, I am slowly migrating notifications from GitHub.

  • Check incoming GitHub notifications to my Email.
  • If I am no longer interested in that project, I just unsubscribe and am done with it.
  • If I still want to follow the project, I find the atom feed and add it to FeedBin

I am also moving many of my repos from GitHub but I think that will be a future post.