I’ve been using the self-hosted version plausible with my blog and development site. It generally works well, but there are times I’d like to have a little bit more customization on the reports. I’m already collecting nginx logs using ltsv and fluent-bit’s tail plugin. Since I have extra time to tinker over my winter break, I’ve been experimenting a bit.
Default Plausible Configuration
The default path with Plausible is easy. You create a site in their admin and copy the Javascript snippet onto your site. This works ok for simple cases but doesn’t work for most bots and such that do not run javascript. Since I want to get information on the bots that are hitting my site we need to do something with our server logs.
Nginx, LTSV, and Fluent Bit
td-agent already has some default parsers for common log formats, but I would rather start with something easier and less error prone to parse. On Nginx’s side, we need to configure a new format for ltsv that we can use.
log_format ltsv "time:$time_local"
access_log /var/log/nginx/<sitename>.access.log ltsv;
Using inputs.tail we setup our input configuration
name tail
path /var/log/nginx/<sitename>.access.log
Tag nginx.<sitename>
Parser access_log_ltsv
We also need to configure a parser.ltsv that we can use for parsing our format
Name access_log_ltsv
Format ltsv
#Time_Key time
#Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z
Types status:integer size:integer reqtime:float runtime:float
Fluent Bit to Sematext
Now that we have our logs flowing through fluent-bit, we can configure the output to sematext . I picked this somewhat randomly, because they have a fairly generous free tier.
Name es
Match nginx.*
Host logsene-receiver.sematext.com
Port 443
tls On
Index <sematext token>
Custom Processing in Lua
One of the things I wanted to experiment with, was separateing static content from other content in my analytics. fluent-bit has a filter.lua that we can use for simple processing.
name lua
Match nginx.<sitename>
script nginx.lua
call cb_process_nginx
function cb_process_nginx(tag, timestamp, record)
new_record = record
-- Check to see if the request is for a static asset and then mark it
-- so that we can filter out downstream as needed.
new_record["is_static"] = false
if new_record["uri"] ~= nil then
if new_record["uri"]:match("/static") ~= nil then
new_record["is_static"] = true
-- Lastly, return our modified record
return 1, timestamp, new_record
This kinda works, but lua only has simple match and no more powerful regex so this is not going to work well in the long run.
Custom Processing in fluentd
fluent-bit supports go output plugins but I would prefer to do my data processing in Python. Sadly, there is no generic script support but we can use fluentd (which predates fluent-bit) and has an out_exec plugin that we can use.
<match nginx.*>
@type exec
@id exec_nginx
command /usr/bin/python3 /opt/nginx.py
@type json
@type memory
flush_interval 5s
We can then easily write a script to process the input as wanted.
import sys
import json
with open(sys.argv[-1]) as fp:
for line in fp:
data = json.loads(line)
I’ve been experimenting with device_detector to pull out some interesting stats.
device = DeviceDetector(data["ua"]).parse()
data["is_bot"] = device.is_bot()
if data["is_bot"]:
data["agent"] = {
"browser": device.all_details["bot"]["name"],
"device": device.all_details["bot"]["category"],
data["agent"] = {
"browser": device.preferred_client_name(),
"os": device.os_name(),
"device": device.device_brand(),
lastly we can send these back to fluent-bit to be sent to sematext, similar to our raw logs.
from fluent.sender import FluentSender
# Create a fluent sender with base name of sematext
sender = FluentSender('sematext')
# Emit records as sematext.nginx so we can route them via fluent-bit
sender.emit(label="nginx", data=data)
Custom Plausible Metrics
I’ve also tested creating a custom plausible output using a similar method, but it hasn’t worked quite as nicely.
# https://plausible.io/docs/events-api
headers = {
"User-Agent": data["ua"],
"Forwarded-For": data["forwardedfor"],
payload = {
"domain": "test",
"name": "pageview",
"url": f"https://{data['vhost']}{data['uri']}",
"referrer": data["referer"],
Custom Processing to Firewall (Future)
This is on my todo for the future, but I imagine I could do some similar processing for my firewall rules. I do not run wordpress or any other CMS on my site, but there are plenty of bots searching for these kinds of paths. It seems like I should be able to figure out a way to do custom processing and then send to firewalld or fail2ban.
A few parts are a little bit more complicated than I would prefer, but at least some of my initial ideas seem to be working. I wish fluent-bit supported exec_out directly so I would not need to deploy fluentd separately. Perhaps this is something that could be done with a golang plugin. I also want to experiment more with browser/bot detection and see what I can do there.